Browse, shop and learn. While you are here may you find all that you need to have the homeschool that God desires for you and your family. Visit for a Christian homeschool mom blog with more encouragement, information and updates.
How to Use This Christian Homeschool Curriculum Site: On the left-hand sidebar, find the category of books or other resources you are interested in. You can then choose to browse the entire category, click on some representative products from the category or enter the titles you are looking for in the search box on each page. To purchase your curriculum, you will be taken to the Christian Book Distributor (CBD) site and their secure check-out. We have partnered with CBD to bring you the best in Christian Homeschool Curriculum and encouragement for your Christian Homeschool.
CBD is great for homeschool book shopping. They offer: -views inside books, table of contents and front and back covers. -customer reviews -wishlists -discounts -special offers like free shipping